Post-Performance Master Class for String Players - Gideon Freudmann - Arts For Learning Massachusetts


Master Class for String Players

Type: Workshop
Art Form: Music
Grade Level: 5-12
Scheduling Request

Gideon Freudmann leads string players (violin, viola, cello, and bass) through a series of musical exercises and games in this non-traditional approach to making music. Gideon helps students  find more joy in their practice by teaching them to be creative through improvisation. Special emphasis is placed on tone production, melody, harmony building, chord progressions, bass lines, bowing variations, basic music theory, and playing expressively.

Program available in person.

Length: 60 Minutes
Participant Limit: 20
Curriculum Connection: Music, Classical Music, Music Instruction

Minimum of 2 workshops per day

2 Workshops: $550
Additional or Post Performance Workshops: $220
Travel: $50 per day
Pricing may vary for weekends/out-of-school time
Processing Fee of $45 added to all contracts


  • Students should be sitting in a circle with chairs.
  • Students must provide their own instruments.

Pre-Workshop Requirements:

  • Students should review D and G major scales.

Set‐up time: 5‐10 minutes

Break between workshops: 5 minutes

More From Gideon Freudmann

Visiting artist, in-person availability May 2-8, 2025. This program is available online year-round.